Serving both the public and private sectors throughout the United States


Professional. Experienced. Committed.

Serving both public & private higher education sectors.

Advocating for Compliance in Higher Education

Our firm specializes in all higher education compliance issues, from Title IX to HR matters to lab safety to review of student or employee handbooks. Whether you are a small private college or a large public university, we will not only assist you in creating a compliance program but also we will provide training and policy creation or review to ensure a successful initiative.

The founder, Judith W Spain, J.D., CCEP® has been practicing for over thirty years and is a certified compliance professional through the Society for Corporate Compliance and Ethics. Judy has collaboratively initiated and implemented compliance initiatives at a large public university and a small private liberal arts college.

We are on the pulse of the rapidly changing compliance field and monitor the changes to inform our approach to compliance and training -all to give you exceptional advice that will last for years to come.

Complete Health Care Compliance Manual This two-volume manual provides new and experienced practitioners with first-class guidance and insights on the fundamentals of program management,  risk assessment, compliance training, auditing and monitoring, and much more. With over 50+ actionable program-related resources, including sample board reports, checklists, forms, surveys, and policy templates including a healthcare risk assessment template, practitioners will find many tools they can use to develop and maintain an effective healthcare compliance program. Spain is a contributing author to Chapter 3:  Running an effective ethics and compliance program. 

Spain is a contributing author to Chapter 3:  Running an effective ethics and compliance program.




Services Provided

WHy Choose US? 

Higher education compliance matters do not always require complicated solutions.  

Compliance and Risk Mitigation

Identifying compliance risks begins with employee awareness.  

Industry Insights 

Awareness is key.  Knowing the law and the right thing to do makes  your job easier.


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
— Margaret Mead


Let's Chat.

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service your enquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you are having before telling us
what you want to achieve. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.